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The Mystery of the Missing Survival Phrases

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The Mystery of the Missing Survival Phrases

Postby martinakiyama9971 » April 29th, 2015 10:45 pm

So I'm now learning Survival Phrases Season 1 and I just noticed something . . . there are 60 lessons in this series, but when I go to the Flashcard Deck Manager, to add words and phrases from these lessons to my "Lesson Vocabulary" deck, it lists 95 lessons!!! :shock:

So where are these mysterious extra lessons? Did they once exist, but were deleted for some reason? Some of them seem like they might be useful - for example, there's Earthquakes!, I'm a Vegetarian and Where Can I Buy Manga?

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Re: The Mystery of the Missing Survival Phrases

Postby ofeliadgrd » May 12th, 2015 12:26 am

Hi martinakiyama9971,

Sorry for the misunderstanding, but those lessons don't exist or were never published!
Anyway we'll keep in mind that you are interested in those topics! :)

Thank you for your understanding and if you have more questions, please let us know.
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