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Firefly and Serenity

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jkid Team Member
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Firefly and Serenity

Postby jkid » September 25th, 2008 3:49 pm

So I watched Serenity ages ago but I only just recently found the time to sit down and watch Firefly. Of course, I was only going to watch a couple of episodes but obviously that is not humanly possible given how great a show Firefly is. I am so upset that such a fantastic TV series was cancelled because of stupid decisions made by FOX. Instead of coming to their senses and bringing the show back it is now (IMO) too late.

However, at least we have the comics. I have yet to read the comic series that hasn't come out in trade yet. I did read the trade of the first Serenity based comic and it was good.

I am so excited for the Shepard related comic to be released mainly because it's so frustrating that the show set up so many awesome plot details and didn't get to deal with them properly, if at all.

If you have yet to watch the Firefly series I absolutely urge you to do so. It is by far the best TV series I have ever seen. Then go and watch Serenity. The movie continuation of the series that by rights should've preformed a lot better in cinemas and would've done if people had seen Firefly to know about Serenity.

Firefly DVD box-set:

Serenity DVD:

A Bluray edition of both Firefly and Serenity is due out before the end of this year. The HD-DVD edition of Serenity is available at:

Finally, Firefly's Wikipedia page:

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Postby wccrawford » October 1st, 2008 11:42 am

It's odd that almost everyone who watches it is -angry- that the series hasn't continued, and yet Joss still can't raise enough money to actually continue it. I keep thinking that if it would just spread far enough, there'd finally be enough support for it. I'm managed to convert all my coworkers that sit near me.

I haven't read any of the comics yet, though... I guess I'll have to do that.

Quick trivia fact: The made up language they curse in is actually based heavily on Chinese.

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jkid Team Member
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Postby jkid » October 1st, 2008 1:07 pm

Finally a reply. I didn't really Joss was asking for donations to get it going again.

Quick trivia fact: The made up language they curse in is actually based heavily on Chinese.

Interesting. I thought it was actual Chinese they were speaking.

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Postby wccrawford » October 1st, 2008 7:16 pm

Maybe I said that poorly. It's more 'modified chinese' than a completely made up language.

And he wasn't asking for donations, he was trying to get enough interest in the show to get a big sponsor, like Fox. If a lot of people bought the DVDs, it might just do the trick.

jkid Team Member
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Postby jkid » October 2nd, 2008 11:27 am

Oh, I see.

If a lot of people bought the DVDs, it might just do the trick.

You never know[/quote]

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