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Wii language poll

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Postby markystar » May 24th, 2008 7:31 am

not sure about Wii fit.

but Wii bowling rules!

and super mario bros cart on a big screen projector... awwwwwwwww yeah!

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Re: Wii language poll

Postby sashimidimsum7250 » May 24th, 2008 11:59 am

TheProfessorOne wrote:
Question: Does the Wii display font in multiple languages like the PS3? I have a Japanese PS3 that displays everything in English and I love it. Can the Wii do that?

The Japanese Wii system menus are permanently set to Japanese. It cannot be changed. For the North Amercan Wii, you can change the menus to English, Spanish and French.

But either system has the capabilities to display Japanese. I tried sending messages between my Japanese Wii and NA Wii, and the Japanese fonts displayed fine on both.

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Postby sashimidimsum7250 » May 24th, 2008 12:05 pm

Oh I got Wii fit, the Japanese version. I played the heck out of it for 2 weeks...and haven't touched it since.

It can be fun don't get me wrong, but as a means to exercise and lose weight, it's a bit lacking, unless you have incredible discipline. I think the game gives you too much freedom and not enough structure.

I wish you could set a target goal, and it would tell you: "today you do these exercices, and tomorrow these others ones", etc.

Just my opinion.

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Postby Ulver_684 » May 29th, 2008 7:45 pm

Mina-sama! :wink:

Thank you for your respond it's very helpful for me! :D

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