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Hottest Voice??

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Postby untmdsprt » May 31st, 2007 11:54 am

BIGTWIX wrote:I think Chigusa has the hottest voice i have ever heard in my entire life.
What does she look like though? Can someone be as good looking as her voice...i dunno.

She's in the iLove videos.

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Postby MexicanHat » June 1st, 2007 8:00 am

Its Peter 8)

I really like Yoshi, Chigusa, Shakespeare, Sakura all of their voices. All unique :oops:

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Postby Ulver_684 » June 7th, 2007 12:43 am

MexicanHat wrote:Its Peter 8)

I really like Yoshi, Chigusa, Shakespeare, Sakura all of their voices. All unique :oops:

Paisanohat-san :wink:

I agree with you all voices are great and very plesant to the ear! 8) :wink:

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Actually it is...

Postby Inuzuka » June 16th, 2007 1:26 am

桜さん!!! Too difficult to describe it in english, why I like her voice. But for me it is the prettiest ( <-censored ;-):oops: ) voice I have ever heard. BUT...I am still at the Beginner lessons, who knows, perhaps there is another interesting voice waiting for my ears? :wink:


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Postby Some person » July 2nd, 2007 8:46 pm

Chigusa has the best, but Takasae's voice is pretty close.

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Postby kichigaijin » July 3rd, 2007 4:33 pm

Maybe I'm weird but when I hear Chigusa's voice all I can think of are Tara Reid, Lindsey Lohan, and all those Hollywood party girls. I know I could be jumping to conclusions but not really my style. Maybe I just haven't heard it enough- Peter's voice took a little getting used to at first, but now it's like hearing an old buddy who's always upbeat.

Sakura and Takase seem like they'd be fun to hang out with.
I get the vibe from Natsuko that she's a bit more of the serious type, but would be a great friend to have.

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Postby untmdsprt » July 3rd, 2007 10:53 pm

Takase-san scared me at first, but she sounds like a good friend to have to beat up the boys when you need her too. :D

Chigusa-san can't be all bad since she's a woman after my own heart. We both used to play electric bass!!

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Postby Ulver_684 » July 19th, 2007 2:43 am

untmdsprt wrote:Takase-san scared me at first, but she sounds like a good friend to have to beat up the boys when you need her too. :D

Chigusa-san can't be all bad since she's a woman after my own heart. We both used to play electric bass!!

Hey untmdsprt-san! :wink:

Let me know if I read this clearly, do you know Chigusa-san personally :shock:

Did you play bass with her :?

I play the piano maybe we can form a girls band call JP101 Girls! 8) :wink:

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Postby untmdsprt » July 19th, 2007 2:53 am

Umm, no you read it wrong. I was comparing her to me in that we both used to play bass. I never met her.

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Postby TheNationalPool » July 19th, 2007 11:37 pm

I don't know about sexy, but Kazonori seemed pretty cool.
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Postby Zenkai » October 6th, 2007 6:22 am

Chigusa san! Ai Suru!
Minzega, non so nulla di giapponese...
I love Chigusa san's voice, and I think there's no need to explain why.
Oh, right, I just wanna say that she's sexy especially when she speacks english!

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Re: Yeey!

Postby Ulver_684 » October 15th, 2007 9:47 pm

Zenkai wrote:Chigusa san! Ai Suru!
Minzega, non so nulla di giapponese...
I love Chigusa san's voice, and I think there's no need to explain why.
Oh, right, I just wanna say that she's sexy especially when she speacks english!

Zenkai-san! :wink:

I agree her English is the American English NOT British one! :lol:

On the other hand I feel sad because Miki-san English is the Australian one which means British English and she hasn't visit USA yet specially NYC. :cry:

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Re: Yeey!

Postby Javizy » October 16th, 2007 7:21 am

Ulver_684 wrote:
Zenkai wrote:Chigusa san! Ai Suru!
Minzega, non so nulla di giapponese...
I love Chigusa san's voice, and I think there's no need to explain why.
Oh, right, I just wanna say that she's sexy especially when she speacks english!

Zenkai-san! :wink:

I agree her English is the American English NOT British one! :lol:

On the other hand I feel sad because Miki-san English is the Australian one which means British English and she hasn't visit USA yet specially NYC. :cry:

I don't think I've heard Miki speak English, but if it's British English, then she wins some extra points with me :kokoro:

Since Naomi wasn't around when this thread was started, I think she deserves a mention. She has her polite, soft announcer style voice, but sometimes she slips into a more casual sounding, throaty one that's pretty sexy :oops:

It seems a bit of a coincidence that all of the girls have nice voices, I think there might be some politically incorrect recruitment practices going on at jpod, but I'm not complaining :lol:

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Postby maxiewawa » October 16th, 2007 9:24 am

That throaty voice that Naomi先生 drops into sometimes is Australian English. She often drops in a word that has a thick Australian vowel. 懐かしい!

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Postby markystar » October 16th, 2007 4:06 pm


i don't know how i missed this thread. i almost spit tea all over my computer i was laughing so hard!!

in no particular order:
:flower: sakura - so cute and lovely, just like her personality
:flower: chigusa - smooth, velvety and refined
:flower: miki - clear, young and vivacious

but my personal vote for the sexxxiest voice goes to :kokoro: nozomi :kokoro: from the aomori-ben lessons.
if i don't say that, she'll kill me! :shouganai:

and no odd recruiting practices going on here, i can assure you! 8)
we're just lucky!!!!

hey, and how come nobody voted for me or yuki?? :ninja:

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