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When Should I Start Listening to the Intermediate Lessons

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When Should I Start Listening to the Intermediate Lessons

Postby eperez142 » March 4th, 2007 4:07 pm

I just started learning and i'm only on lesson 10 in the beginners section, but i plan on going all the way with learning. It suprised me, but i want Sentai, which is what American Power Rangers is based on and it has helped me pick up on a few phrases and words which i thought wat cool...

Sorry, got a little sidetracked, does anyone know when it would be a good time to switch to/or start to incorperate the intermediate lessons, like, is there a good beginner lesson to start on?

Thanks in advance everyone!

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Postby Outkast » March 4th, 2007 7:34 pm

This isn't helpful, but I just listen to every lesson as it comes out... What's strange is that Intermediate lessons sometimes have something I've known for a long time, and a Beginner lesson may have something completely new to me.

I guess the difference would be whether or not you are comfortable hearing more Japanese, and less English (Intermediate) or less Japanese and more English (Beginner.)

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Postby Psy » March 5th, 2007 11:53 pm

I'd say start as soon as you aren't totally overwhelmed by them. Though listening practice of any kind doesn't hurt, it's really hard to learn well from things too far ahead of you. Maybe when you can understand at least 60% of the dialogue?

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Postby vnc20100 » March 28th, 2007 4:34 pm

You shouldn't listen them that way, look at the file names and you'll notice they start with numbers. These are actually the order they came out. Just download all the sections (well maybe except the news ones, they are interesting, but they are not lessons) and put them in a huge file and start listen to them, you'll notice that they all follow up. The first show is essential phrases and the second one is beginner lesson 1. Keep in mind that it's a daily show, they throw other lessons in the as you progress

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