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Yet another new listener...

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Posts: 55
Joined: June 20th, 2007 4:01 pm

Yet another new listener...

Postby TheProfessorOne » June 23rd, 2007 2:17 pm

Pro: Greetings all, my name is Pro and I am a new listener.

All: Hi Pro.....

Yeah I feel like I am stepping into an AA meeting or something. :lol:

Anyways, Hi all! I recently found this wonderful site called! Being an American that has lived in Japan for a year and a half, I now realize that I must learn this "Nihongo" the natives speak of, hence my arrival. I do a little web desgin on the side and must admit, I love your site's layout. It's clean and fast and I find it easy to navigate....great work.

I recently picked up one of those new Sony MP3 players (the flat ones that look like an IPod) just so I could listen to your Podcast. I must admit that I am not at all regretting that I did their of those two things.

Guys, please oh please keep up the great work here on the site and the Podcast! You are helping newbies like me to join the ranks of becoming possibly dangerous with our Japanese.

-Pro the "New Life Long Listener"
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