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Dictiornary and flashcards/wordbank

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Dictiornary and flashcards/wordbank

Postby jedrek.slawski_520659 » August 9th, 2018 11:53 am

So basically I have a question, I am doing newbe season 2, and there is a word his, hers, so I copy paste it into dictionary and it is not found ;/ Do you know why? (it is sth like kareno etc.) And it is weird, bcs in the lesson's vocabluary are words like mine and I can add it to flashcards but is not shown in dictionary. The second question is about flashcards, is it possible to add words directly from dictionary to flashcards or do I have to first add them to word bank and then to flashcards?

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Re: Dictiornary and flashcards/wordbank

Postby mmmason8967 » August 9th, 2018 7:16 pm

Japanese makes words possessive by following the word with the particle no. So "he" is kare and "his" is kare no, "I" or "me" is watashi and "mine" is watashi no. Since dictionaries contain single words, you can find kare and no but you won't find kare no.

Hope that helps!


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Re: Dictiornary and flashcards/wordbank

Postby lena_511666 » August 10th, 2018 10:02 am

Hello Jedrek,

マイケル is right about the dictionary entries.
You are able to add the words from the dictionary to your Wordbank first, then you can sync them from there to your Flashcards.

Thank you for studying with us!

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