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Core 2000 Words - Easy way to divide flashcards into categories?

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Core 2000 Words - Easy way to divide flashcards into categories?

Postby adeledavid_517976 » October 31st, 2017 8:49 pm

I'm trying to increase my vocabulary with the list of 2000 most common words provided in the "Vocabulary" section. To make my learning quicker and more logical, I would like to review the list of words using Flashcards by organising the vocabulary by theme. In the list of Core words, you can choose "Everyday Life" or "Business" for instance and the system will select the relevant vocabulary.

How do I apply to same selection to my Flashcard deck, however? The sytem does not seem to give the option to review the Core 2000 list using Flashcards by theme. It just seems to select words randomly from the full 2000 Word List, which makes it much harder to remember them. I tried creating separate, thematic flashcard decks by copying certain categories from the 2000 Core Word list, however this proved tedious and a tad unreliable (e.g. to create a flashcard for all "Everyday life" words, I had to select all words on each of the 6 pages of the vocabulary list, and even still some seem to be missing - the list is meant to contain 525 words but the flashcard deck only shows 481 words...).

Any tips on accessing thematic categories within the 2000 Word List and reviewing them by flashcards?



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Re: Core 2000 Words - Easy way to divide flashcards into categories?

Postby lena_511666 » February 17th, 2018 6:06 am

Hello Adele,

Thank you for your feedback!
I'll forward it to our team who develops the site.
We hope we can apply such filtering option in the near future.

Thank you for studying with us!

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