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[FAQ]Frequently Asked Technical Questions:Please read first!

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Jessi Team Member
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Joined: November 25th, 2007 9:58 am

[FAQ]Frequently Asked Technical Questions:Please read first!

Postby Jessi » April 8th, 2011 12:59 am

Frequently Asked Technical Questions:

UPDATE! You'll find a lot of answers to technical questions here: ... echsupport

Please check out our FAQ pages before posting your question.

Q. How do I change my username/change my password/delete my account?

A. For any issues regarding your account/subscription/billing, please e-mail the customer service team at .

Q. I have a Premium subscription, but the site is asking me to log in/upgrade/etc.

A. Please try logging out, clearing the cache and cookies of your browser, and logging back in again. Most of the time, this solves the problem. If you still experience it, please post here or email us at (please mention that you have tried these steps).

Q. I can't read the Lesson Notes PDF/the PDF shows up blank/the characters show up as boxes!

A. As a first step, please try opening the Lesson Notes LITE PDF. The content in the Lite version is exactly the same, but different fonts have been used for those who have trouble viewing the original Lesson Notes PDF on their computer/mobile device. Most users who have problems with the Lesson Notes PDF have success with the Lesson Notes Lite PDF.
Another step to try is updating your PDF reader (Adobe Reader, etc.) to the latest version.
If that still doesn't work, then please leave us a message letting us know what the issue is, and also what OS/version you are using.

Q. I can't hear the audio/I get an "Error Opening File" message when I try to open an audio file.

Our server occassionally experiences downtime which affects file downloads. If you are experiencing the same issue with several files, this may be the problem. If only certain files are giving you problems, first please try deleting the cookies and cache of your browser, and then trying the download again. If that doesn't work, then please leave us a message letting us know exactly which files you are unable to download.

Q. How do I type in Japanese?

A. Please refer to these threads for information on typing in Japanese:

Q. I have a problem/question regarding an application (iPhone app, iPad app, Android app)...

A. For any app-related questions, please e-mail us at .

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