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Need some serious help from someone who runs this place!

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Need some serious help from someone who runs this place!

Postby born2lose117853328 » March 3rd, 2010 12:21 am

I couldn't find a better spot to post this than in Tech. support, but here goes. I need some major help from someone who's in charge. I signed up today using the promo code where you can pick a price for one month, minimum of $1, and after a month, it'd go to the regular rate of $25. I wasn't aware that it was going to charge me a one time fee of $240 for 2 years!! My dilemma, is that I cannot seem to cancel that, and sign up a different way, cause that's almost a month's rent! I would love the premium membership, but paying $25 month-by-month would work out so much better for me.
So is there anyone who can get this charge to cancel so I can sign up with a more suitable payment option?? It would be greatly appreciated.

New in Town
Posts: 2
Joined: February 1st, 2010 10:18 pm


Postby born2lose117853328 » March 3rd, 2010 1:06 am

I would also like to know why I'm even getting charged for the next 2 years when I haven't even been charged for the month I chose at my price, which was $4. It doesn't make sense to me. This should still be possible to cancel, since I'm technically not past my first month. Any help from an Administrator?

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Postby Jessi » March 3rd, 2010 3:11 am

Hi Kevin,
No problem - this can be resolved with a quick e-mail to . Please copy everything you have written here into an e-mail and send it there, and they will help you adjust the billing for your account. :)
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