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grammar-only track not appearing in feeds

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grammar-only track not appearing in feeds

Postby sashimidimsum7250 » January 27th, 2010 12:55 pm

Even though the latest upper and lower intermediate classes have grammar tracks, they're not appearing in the feeds. Even "MyFeed" doesn't seem to have an option for grammar-only tracks. And choosing "All Audio" does not make the grammar track appear in the feeds.

Please fix this . Thank you

Jessi Team Member
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Postby Jessi » January 28th, 2010 1:11 am

Thanks for posting! As of this year, we are actually not including the grammar tracks for any of the lessons, which is why they are not appearing in the feed.
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Postby sashimidimsum7250 » January 28th, 2010 2:26 am

That's really a shame. It was such a useful feature. I hope you reconsider adding it back on.
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