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iLearning Center - work in progress?

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iLearning Center - work in progress?

Postby gaijinda » December 19th, 2006 5:31 pm

I've been downloading the notes and audio files from the iLearning center. WHAT A GREAT RESOURCE!

So far, I've dowloaded up to beginner's lesson 42. But, for the last few lessons, it appears the xml coding in the kanji.txt files is incomplete. There are no links to the audio clips in lessons 38-42, and lesson 40 has no audio files inside its file.

Are you still working on coding the remaining lessons and putting up the audio clips, or did you just miss a couple of lessons in the middle?

John Pfeifer

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Postby Eran » December 20th, 2006 4:17 am

Hi John,

Thank you so much for bringing this issue to my attention. I went ahead and corrected the problems. All audio and links should now be available for lessons 38-42. Please let me know if you come across additional lessons that are missing audio or links.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Postby gaijinda » December 20th, 2006 5:33 am

Thanks for the quick reply Eran-さん. As usual, you folks are right on top of things! I'll let you know if I stumble across anything else.

Started learning Japanese in 1988, when I toured Japan (as a clown) with Ringling Brothers Circus. Went back in 1991 to be dean of Clown College Japan in Tokyo. Motto: まいにちがぼうけんです!

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Postby gaijinda » December 28th, 2006 6:39 pm


As I continue to download notes & audio from the iLearning section, I've stumbled across a few more problems. This time it's the audio file ID3 tags...

In beginner lessons 61, 62 & 63, the audio file ID3 tags don't match the Kanji.txt file links.

In lesson 61, the track names are all "World's Oldest Woman," instead of the filenames, i.e., jpod_audio_122_1, etc. The xml links inside the Kanji.txt file all point to jpod_audio_122_x, etc.

In lesson 62, the track names are all "Beginner Lesson #62 - Old Woman Part 1," instead of jpod_audio_123_1, etc. Oddly enough, the lesson is actually Old Woman Part 2.

In lesson 63, the track names are all "Beginner #63," instead of jpod_audio_124_1, etc.

The good news lesson 64, things seem to go back to normal. The track names match the filenames once again. Hopefully, things are okay from 64 on.

Also, I wanted to make sure you received the email I sent you (support at The message had attachments with corrected Kanji.txt files for the lessons in 38-through-57 with missing XML links. I thought the fixed files would save you some time, cause I know you're all pretty busy ;-).

I want to see jpod101 be the best it can be and hope I can help in some small way...

Gambatte ne!


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