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Audio Becomes Choppy

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Audio Becomes Choppy

Postby alexis3991 » November 17th, 2015 4:51 am

I listen on my computer through the Japanesepod101 website. I have not been a member for long. During the past few days, when I go to listen to a recording, the dialogue will extend past the runtime listed on the player (example, lesson says it will play for 13:45, but continues playing past that and both the runtime and endtime numbers go up-- 13:47 | 13:47 and so on...). When this happens the dialogue becomes choppy and sounds like I'm listening through a phone with bad connection.

I tried to find a solution to this on the website, but didn't have much luck. Also, changing browsers (I usually use firefox) and working off a different computer, didn't solve the problem. It's not on every lesson, but I notice it more and more. Please help me resolve this.

Thank you :flower:

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Re: Audio Becomes Choppy

Postby alexis3991 » November 21st, 2015 4:36 am anyone else having this issue? It's not consistent, but does effect the quality of the lessons quite a bit when I can't finish the dialogue.

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Re: Audio Becomes Choppy

Postby adelholtz_499460 » November 22nd, 2015 8:07 pm

Nope, don't have the problem.
As a starting point:

Whats your OS?
What Browser in what Version do you use?

I use OSX 10.11 and Safari 9.0.1 and don't have any issues.
Since Firefox (like Safari and Chrome) does also use Webkit there shouldn't (generally speaking) be any real difference in what browser you use. Do you have any Extension installed that may temper with Javascript or HTML5?
Have you tried running the site on a tablet?

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Re: Audio Becomes Choppy

Postby lauralanda » November 24th, 2015 2:11 am

Hi Alexis,

Thank you for posting.
We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble with some of our content.
We will help you fix this issue, for this please send us an email to -
Including information about the device you are using to access to our site, your username, and the link to some of the affected lessons.

Thank you for your patience.

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Re: Audio Becomes Choppy

Postby lauralanda » November 24th, 2015 2:55 am

Hi adelholtz,

Thank you for helping Alexis :flower:
Feel free to comment, ask, and suggest as often as you wish. :wink:

Kind regards,

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