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Signature and Avatar?

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Signature and Avatar?

Postby ninjalin888 » April 29th, 2015 4:56 pm

Would someone be able to assist? I am trying to add a 'signature' in my profile. But for some reason, when I click preview after editing the signature it shows nothing. In addition when I post on the forum, nothing shows there either. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Also, my profile is currently saying that the avatar option is disabled. Is there a way to enable it?


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Re: Signature and Avatar?

Postby mmmason8967 » April 29th, 2015 5:40 pm

I guess that the avatar feature is disabled because the current forum layout doesn't seem to have anywhere to display an avatar, so it'd be a bit of a wasted effort if you set one up.

The signature issue is probably down to a setting. You've created the signature so now you need to go to te user control panel, select the Board preferences tab and then the Edit posting defaults, where you'll probably find that Attach my signature by default is turned off.


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Re: Signature and Avatar?

Postby ninjalin888 » April 29th, 2015 10:30 pm


Ah I see. Fair enough. I guess I'll have to wait for any future updates to be able to see if the avatar becomes enabled.

Actually the settings in the control panel were already showing as signature activated for posting. So it doesn't seem to be that.
Would it be possibly anything else?

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