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Flashcard audio button

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Flashcard audio button

Postby bohbot256586 » July 9th, 2012 2:05 am

I've noticed that there seems to be a high percentage of flashcard audio buttons that are linked incorrectly in the scripting. Once reported, how long does it usually take to get fixed? Considering that most of them were not directly imported from the lessons, I'm sure it'll be awhile, I'm just wondering if I should remove the annoying ones from my deck.

Jessi Team Member
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Postby Jessi » July 9th, 2012 3:34 am

Hi bohbot!
We've identified a bug where if there is a card that doesn't have audio, audio from another card in the same deck is played. I believe this is what is causing the problems you are having. I have requested an update on this bug from the technical team in charge of the flashcards, and hope to have an update for you soon :) Thank you for your patience.
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Postby bohbot256586 » July 9th, 2012 3:50 am

Wow, that was fast. And it seems I made a bad assumption about the root cause.

Thank you, for the information and the quick response.

Jessi Team Member
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Postby Jessi » July 18th, 2012 12:16 am

Hello again bohbot,

A fix has been rolled out that grays out the audio button if there is no audio available for that flashcard, so there shouldn't be any more instances of incorrect audio playing. Please let us know if you notice any other issues as you use the flashcards. Thank you :)
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