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Question About Lessons and Podcasts

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Question About Lessons and Podcasts

Postby tbilzie2861 » March 21st, 2012 12:26 am

I was wondering, are the podcast lessons exactly the same as the lessons available on the website under the "Audio Lessons" and "Video Lessons?" Are there some lessons available in the latter that are not available in the former, or vice versa?


Jessi Team Member
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Postby Jessi » March 21st, 2012 1:39 am

Hi tbilzie2861,
Thanks for posting!
Yes, our podcast lessons are the same ones that are on the site (audio and video lessons) :)
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Postby tbilzie2861 » March 21st, 2012 8:41 pm

Thanks Jessi,

My desire is to download all the lessons and the corresponding materials, like PDF notes and transcripts, for them in as quickly and efficiently a method as possible. How do I do that? For example I know with the free membership I would have to go to each lesson one at a time, right click to download the lesson and right click for the pdf. That is too tedious and long for me.

If I get a premium membership, will I be able to do mass-downloading or 1-click downloading that allows me to download a bunch of lessons and PDFs at once?

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Postby mmmason8967 » March 21st, 2012 9:13 pm

tbilzie2861 wrote:If I get a premium membership, will I be able to do mass-downloading or 1-click downloading that allows me to download a bunch of lessons and PDFs at once?

I have a Premium membership so I can tell you that the answer to your question is Yes. In fact, not just a bunch of lessons, but every single one of them!

After you sign up you receive some introductory e-mails explaining how to use the website effectively. You get one a day and I think it's the third one that gives you link to a page from which you can download the material. It works using iTunes, so you need to have that installed and working before you try to do the download.

The link will download the names and a description of all the items you can download. There are a lot of them! Once the details have been downloaded you can click 'Get All' in iTunes to download all the files. It takes a long time: I left it running overnight and it was still doing it next morning when I got up. You get all the material (the audio tracks, all the PDFs and all the videos) and as new material is released, iTunes will download it for you. Altogether there are around 8,600 files adding up to 28Gb, which iTunes estimates adds up to a total playing time of 18 days.

In my opinion the Premium membership is a very good deal indeed. Go for it...

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Postby tbilzie2861 » March 22nd, 2012 3:17 am

Hi mmmason,

Thanks for your help! I signed up for premium and followed your instructions and now I'm downloading the whole thing. It looks like a lot so I expect it's gonna take all night and all day. Great investment!

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Postby Jessi » March 22nd, 2012 3:23 am

Thanks mmmason for the helpful explanation :)

tbilzie, please let us know if you need help with anything else!
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