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How Do I Download to a Sony Mp3 ???

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How Do I Download to a Sony Mp3 ???

Postby williamst4334 » June 8th, 2010 3:06 am

Ok, I don't have an iPod. I have a Sony Mp3 player. How do I download the lessons I'm working on? I've gone through all of the instructions in the Download Center, and I still can't figure this out. How do I get the lessons onto my mp3 player? I downloaded iTunes. Not much help there. I need a simplified answer; I just want to download my current lessons and listen to them on the go! Help!


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Postby Kiliman » June 8th, 2010 11:52 am

What model Sony MP3 player do you have?

Unfortunately iTunes only syncs with iPods. You can use iTunes to subscribe to the podcast, but you'll need to manually get the files to your MP3 player.

Most MP3 players will assign a drive letter (like E:) when you connect it to the computer.

To copy the lessons from iTunes to your MP3 player, first open My Computer (Explorer). Then navigate to My Documents > My Music > iTunes > iTunes Music > Podcasts >

This is where all your lessons will be. Hilight the lessons you want (click on the first file, then Shift + click on the last file to select a group of files). Press Ctrl + C to copy the files.

Now navigate to your MP3 drive (for example E:). Sometimes there is a Music folder or something similar. Once you find where you want them to be, press Ctrl + V to paste the files. The files will then be copied to your MP3 player.

Once the files finish copying, you can disconnect the MP3 player. Your MP3 player should now have the lessons.

I can give you more specific directions if I know what model player you have.

Good luck!

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Postby DanRoddy » June 8th, 2010 12:31 pm

Another way to do it, if you aren't sure about using Explorer to transfer, is to use Media Player to do it just as you would with the music files.

Save all your MP3s in a folder in your My Music folder and Media Player should pick up on this as a new "album". Then the files can be transferred and synched in exactly the same way as you would with a music file.

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