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Account disabled?

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Account disabled?

Postby shgkshmz1222 » May 4th, 2010 9:18 am

Hello Japanesepod101! I have a problem and I wonder if you could help me out. Here is the problem...I was just browsing through the Subscription page looking for how much the premium costs. But when i refreshed the page, i got a message saying that my account was disabled. I dont know why but i think it is because i have 2 computers( each of them using different ISPs. ISP 1 uses static IP and ISP 2, dynamic) using the same account at the same time. I saw this post : ... highlight=
and saw Eran's reply that the system automatically disables accounts that are accessed by more than 5 IP addresses within 24 hours.

I would want to know the real reason why my account was disabled. I didn't do anything wrong :( I am hoping that my account will be restored :)

Thanks in advance. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu :)

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Postby bugaboojones » May 4th, 2010 7:31 pm


It appears your account was disabled due to a dynamic IP address. I have fixed the issue and your account should be active once again. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Steven Settles

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Postby shgkshmz1222 » May 6th, 2010 7:42 am

Thank you very much :)

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