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101 countdown lesson?????

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101 countdown lesson?????

Postby misaiah113085 » March 18th, 2010 5:45 pm

Can someone explain to me how this works?

It says to
"increase your chance to win by signing up for a lifetime account with a new language and following us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Sign up for all our language sites to maximize your chances! "

(by the way the link for twitter is directing me to Jpod101's Youtube instead :p)

But what if you dont have facebook, and twitter? I was already signed up to Jpods Youtube account before i even seen this "Countdown to 101,000,000 Lesson Downloads" so does this meen I'm not eligible because I've already BEEN subscribed to their YT account?

it also says
"101 lucky listeners will win a FREE Lifetime Premium Subscription to the language site of their choice. Contest ends when the 101
millionth lesson is downloaded! Sign up today! "

Can someone tell me how their even going about choosing 101 people to win the Free Lifetime Premium Subscription of the winners choice? I really don't get it.

How will they even know im signing up to every 101 language sites to win the Lifetime Premium Subscription?

(By the way I've already signed up to the Korean language site and to be honest i really dont want to sign up to all the other language sites. And its not that i want to learn Korean but i only signed up to K-classes to increase my chances of winning the Free Premium Subscription. Im already getting unwanted messages with K-class lessons :p

I just want to learn Japanese right now! haha.

Can someone give me better detail and info about all this? ? ! ? ? ! ? ?

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Postby jclemons » March 19th, 2010 5:01 am

Hi misaiah113085,

Jonathan here. I'm on on the team for this campaign, yoroshiku onegai shimasu!

Thank you for letting us know about that wrong link. Fixed and should be live very soon :ue:

For everyone registered already, you WILL be ELIGIBLE. We're actually about to post a video explaining this detail better. It has one of our new hosts Chihiro so be sure to check it out on Youtube! :mrgreen:

So in your case, you're signed up to win! No worries!

We're selecting 101 Winners for lifetime PREMIUM accounts (something we don't normally offer and in the past cost over $1000...) out of the entire lists of ANYONE subscribed to our Youtube channel, registered to our sites, following us on Twitter accounts or fans of us on our Facebook fan pages. And any additional accounts for other language sites. It's pretty easy to do and it worked well in our past contests so no worries, we got all the logistics and technical details already sorted out. 8)

We're extremely happy to celebrate our over 100 million downloads with our 101 million download give away. It's our way of saying thank you to all our listeners and so we wanted to make sure students of all our language sites had the chance to win. 8)

Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Good luck!

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Postby salivia_baker » March 20th, 2010 3:48 pm

How are the downloads counted? from the sited itself or do you include iTunes downloads as well?

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Postby jclemons » March 22nd, 2010 4:51 am

salivia_baker wrote:How are the downloads counted? from the sited itself or do you include iTunes downloads as well?

iTunes and site downloads are totaled together 8)

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Postby salivia_baker » March 22nd, 2010 5:33 am


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Postby miyano5347128 » March 22nd, 2010 3:28 pm

I'm still confused - do I need to do everything - follow on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube - or is it enough to do one of them in order to be counted in the contest?
I'll be waiting for the video. Thank you!

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Postby bugaboojones » March 23rd, 2010 10:21 pm

Please follow the link below for more information regarding the contest:

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