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Cookies don't work

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Cookies don't work

Postby Knocks » February 8th, 2010 2:55 pm

Hey guys. I have to put in my login and password every time I visit the site, because the "Remember me" option does not seem to work. I use Chrome and Firefox, and it doesn't work with either of these browsers. Other sites do remember my browsers, but not this one.

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Postby dswouters » February 8th, 2010 8:52 pm


I have noticed this too. Login cookie processing worked OK for the first couple of months after I joined, then at some point started behaving erratically, and now appears to have gone altogether. Strange, and a little bit of a nuisance. For the record: I use IE 7 and 8.

=== David ===

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Postby Jessi » February 10th, 2010 12:32 am

Thank you for posting about this!
The tech team has asked me to let you know that they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix for it. Thank you for your patience. :D
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Postby RokkuRi » March 7th, 2010 3:45 am

Er, not to be picky or anything, but... Is this a really tricky problem? It seems to be taking a while...

It's really not that neccessary, but it's really pretty annoying as is...
Just wondering, is all. I'll still stick around if I have to type my username/password a few extra times :P

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Postby percent20 » March 17th, 2010 4:45 am

Well I think the tricky part is they are trying to mix several apps in one and making them all play nice is tricky. They are using wordpress for the main site, and I think highly customized at that, PHPbb for the forums. And considering they are highering developers for mvc php and agile methodologies, my skillset, they have custom stuff too that it has to work with, like the affiliate program. Getting the cookies to "play nice" across all those can be tricky.

That said I wish they could at least extend session state timeout so it makes browsing sessions a bit better.

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