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How do I change the content I want to receive in myfeed

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How do I change the content I want to receive in myfeed

Postby cychang » February 27th, 2010 7:25 pm

Hi, I'm not familar with podcast & itune yet. Wondering how do I change the content I'd like receive in an existing myfeed? I'd like to add and remove part of the subscription but do not mean to stop everything. Thank you so much!

Jessi Team Member
Posts: 822
Joined: November 25th, 2007 9:58 am

Postby Jessi » March 4th, 2010 12:30 am

Hello cychang,

Unfortunately, you cannot modify an exsiting MyFeed - you would have to delete your current one and make a brand new one in that case.
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