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kana in the PDF's can't be copy+pasted into the mp3's lyrics

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kana in the PDF's can't be copy+pasted into the mp3's lyrics

Postby mygb » January 19th, 2010 3:49 am

I noticed going through many of the PDFs now, especially the lower intermediate from the start and the first half of the Audio Blogs that all the kana inside the PDF cannot be copy-pasted into the mp3's lyrics section in itunes (or notepad etc) because after you paste it turns into something like this

Now on some PDFs this is possible. After you paste it it remains in the proper kana! But many PDFs seem to be encoded in a way that cant be read by another program.
Even when I paste it into MS word, it still turns into junk. (Example Audio Blog #17 - Santa Claus - Lesson notes)

I thought doing this would be helpful for example listening to a the audio blog all in japanese, it would be nice to have the transcript on the iPod while im listening to it. Also some mp3s after I download them the lyrics are all messed up too. Unreadable. So I tried to copy and paste it from the lesson notes but the text from the PDFs become all messed up too after it's pasted wherever.

Jessi Team Member
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Postby Jessi » January 28th, 2010 1:34 am

Hi mygbさん,
I'm thinking this may have to do with the change we made in the PDFs in 2008. Copied from the PDF thread:

Prior to Oct 24 2008 all the lessons only had "Lesson Notes" without the "Lesson Notes Lite" versions. The Lesson Notes PDFs prior to Oct 24 2008 should all work fine with Mac's Preview, Adobe Reader, and other PDF reader software - because these PDFs were generated using a different technology than the current PDFs are.

Any lesson after Oct 24 2008 should have both the Lesson Notes and Lesson Notes Lite PDFs - the Lite versions will work with all readers (except screen reading software for accessibility). The regular Lesson Notes version will work for all standard readers (best with Adobe Reader 8 or 9), screen reading software for accessibility, and adds a few new features such as copy and paste.

So this means that in the older PDFs, copy and paste might not work :cry:
We're still working on changing the older PDFs to the new format, which is a lot easier to use. In the meantime, I've gone ahead and updated the PDF for the Santa Claus lesson you mentioned, so you now will be able to copy and paste from that.
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