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no writing?

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no writing?

Postby sayalief8843 » January 10th, 2010 9:48 pm


Are you supposed to see words in kanji in the lesson notes? Because there is a table but it's empty. Adobe wanted me to download something for japanese and I did, but still I saw nothing while before on other pdf files I could see signs(like with those writing practices in them)

So if there should be writing there, how do I fix that?

Ps oh, and the feed thing didn't work, it just kept showing up with this message about signing up for live feeds. How do I get that feed thing working?

Jessi Team Member
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Postby Jessi » January 18th, 2010 12:31 am

Hi sayalief8843さん,

Could you let me know more about what kind of OS you are using? If you have the Japanese language pack you should be able to see the kanji in the Lesson Notes - if you are still having trouble, though, please try the Lesson Notes Lite version and see if you can see everything there. Thanks!
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