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Postby buzby » January 11th, 2007 6:55 pm

hamjime mashite.. adam desu.. doozo yoruishiku.

been listening for about a year now, and loove loove looooove the show. i've been too busy to go to my regular japanese classes here in nyc, but japanesepod101 has kept me afloat.

one thing i would like to suggest... sometimes, i listen to the first read through of a lesson and it goes fast. the vocabulary can trip me up very easily if i'm not familiar with it. it's a bit distracting, and then i find out in the end that it's a name of a place or thing. i'm caught up thinking it's grammatical.

anyway, i think it might be helpful, or maybe not... but, it might be helpful to just briefly introduce the new vocab or at least the names involved before the dialog begins. that way, we can know that that is a subject beforehand and maybe the descriptors and verbs around will make more sense initially. maybe that spoils the element of suprise in the dialog or something, but otherwise, i have to go back over again(and maybe that's the point).

just a suggestion, but maybe i'm the only one thrown by that... anyway, keep up the good work, you guys are really amazing and a fantastic resource to have for those long subway commutes.

ps- can yoshi invite me to mixi? loove the yoshinator...

New in Town
Posts: 10
Joined: January 21st, 2007 1:16 am

Postby Eray » February 18th, 2007 5:31 pm

I also had a suggestion related to vocabulary.

I was thinking that it would be good to have a "Vocabulary Builder" podcast. At the end of the week, or every other week, have a podcast where the new vocabulary introduced during that time period is gone over a number of times. The one thing I like about the CD audio lessons I've used in the past is the opportunity to go over more difficult words again and again, until the edges are worn off and they slide into my brain.


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