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Jumping around

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Jumping around

Postby karavshin » December 19th, 2006 1:30 pm

Just started working through the beginner lessons. Is it intended that I go through the beginner lessons in-order? 1 2 3 4 ... 150 or is it intended I jump around, etc.

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Re: Jumping around

Postby Abrassart » December 19th, 2006 2:08 pm

karavshin wrote:Just started working through the beginner lessons. Is it intended that I go through the beginner lessons in-order? 1 2 3 4 ... 150 or is it intended I jump around, etc.

I think it's better to go in order. The only think is if you already have a knowledge of Japanese, you can start not at 1 but at x (depending on your level).

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Postby karavshin » December 19th, 2006 2:52 pm

thanks... and what is reasonable criteria to move on to the next lesson? I'm tending to simultaneously work between learning hirogana using a different guide, listening to the jpod lessons, and using the kana flashcard function of jpod. Sort of work on one till i get bleary and rotate to the next, etc.

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Postby annie » December 19th, 2006 4:08 pm

i don't think that you necessarily have to go in order, though I'm sure that it's intended to function that way. If you're interested in a specific topic then by all means, go ahead and listen to that one.

just recognize that there might be more vocabulary and grammar that you're unfamiliar with if you're jumping around.

your method sounds good. i tend to switch between different things every 15-20 minutes, unless i'm in a serious groove.

i'd say that you can move on to the new lesson when you can reproduce the grammar point (create your own meaningful sentences with them), and you've learned the vocabulary words.

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Postby GoddessCarlie » December 20th, 2006 12:37 pm

If you think that you have learned the grammar point and vocab, move on. You don't have to be 100% sure though. Often the lessons build on the last ones, so hearing things you've just learned in a slightly differenly way builds on your own understanding. So even if you are not 100% sure about a lesson, move on. If you are still understanding, move on again. If you suddenly get to a lesson and it seems way too hard, go back and review. :) That way it doesn't feel like you are getting no where. Not only that, but as I said you might learn it even better hearing things in a different context etc.

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