I've been listening to JPod101 for years and years, and I've been kind of disappointed with the newer audio lessons. In the older lessons (with Peter, Naomi, Natsuko, Sachiko, Jess, Kat, etc.), the hosts weren't just reading words off a paper in flat voices - they were talking to each other and having fun. It was so much easier to learn Japanese from the older podcasts, because it felt like taking part in a fun conversation rather than just listening to a dull lecture. In the newer seasons, the hosts seem to read straight from a script and never deviate from the words on the page. There's no personality and no fun, and I not only don't enjoy the podcasts, I don't learn as much.
I really wish JPod101 would consider going back to the old format. It was clearly working, and it made learning Japanese something I looked forward to rather than a chore. It's hard to enjoy a podcast when it seems like the hosts aren't enjoying it themselves.
I apologize for this criticism, but I love this site and have recommended it to so many of my friends in the past. I just miss the fun I used to have listening to these podcasts.
