I have decided to stay here and really try and get the basics of the language down, as I enjoyed what I have heard so far (although it is strange, that I have to rely on english to learn japanese

Some minor points though, that came up, as I am an absolute newbie

Lesson 8: Suddonely all sentences end in 'ne', but there is no explanation for this.
Lesson 9: The numbers are completely forgotten in the trasnscripts
Lesson 11: What is it with this ga?
I obviously thought you began each lesson with Ohio-Tokyo, to kind of link America and Japan, and while I thought it strange, I simply decided I missed the point.
All lessons: It would be nice, if you could say something about the disappearing vowels.
Does only the 'u' disappear? Is there some kind of rule to this? Or is the 'u' always silent?
I guess you didn't treat that (yet, I have listened up to episode 11) for some reason or you just forgot it, because it is so obvious to you (the biggest problem in teaching as I found out).
Other than this I really liked what I have heard and once I have the basics of the language down, I might even begin to dabble a bit in the kanji.
/EDIT: just corrected some smaller mistakes.