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Postby mistercrumpus » September 19th, 2006 6:03 am

Am learning a bundle with the JP101 lessons; keep up the good work! A couple things that would be useful/interesting to me in future lessons:

--when purchasing items in depato or conbini, there always seems to be a string of phrases that I never quite know the answer to. I expect I'm being asked things like "Would you like a bag?", "Is this a gift?", or "Please wait a minute while I run your credit card" ; I never know how to reply and get flustered...

--the proper way to order a drink in a nomiya. I'm able (once again) to fumble through, but would love to be able to confidently order a cocktail at my favorite Shinjuku watering hole!
(beyond sake and beers!)

Thanks for making my Japanese studies fun, and for making the language accessible for everyone!

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