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Learning kanji

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Learning kanji

Postby jp308448 » November 27th, 2010 10:45 am

There was an amazing show - Kanji Videos with Hiroko
Hiroko did wery well in those shows.^_^
Will be there any new series
Or maybe you'll make some other videos for learning kanji (not only dictionary and other, but video with explaining how to remember kanji)

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Postby brad12 » December 7th, 2010 7:19 am

I don't have any site or any any book about Japanese kanji video. But i have one website which include the all kanji types.

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Postby vikestart1587 » February 3rd, 2011 4:28 pm

I agree. Another season of Kanji videos would be nice.

But I thnik they should go deeper into it in one of the videos. Explain the kana used with kanji for verb/adjective endings, how Kanji works and the function between Kanji and kana..

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Decided to make my own kanji practice sheets and share them.

Postby mariusrime9995 » March 10th, 2011 4:39 pm

Hi everyone,
After looking for kanji practice materials - other than books - and not finding anything I really liked thought of making my own staff and sharing it. If you would like to download any of the 88 printable pdf's I've made so far then visit - no strings attatched.

The sheets J Pod 101 offers with every lesson, although informative, are not really fit to practice - they have no stoke-odere given - which I show in my own sheets.

I would also be more than happy to incorporate any ideas or suggestions asto the outline / content/size of the future practice sheets.

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Postby patrickcolgan9829 » September 16th, 2011 3:01 pm

Hiroko should definitely have more space! Like a weekly video pod. Kanji or culture but she should have more and more space. I really enjoy her videos and I feel she would add a lot to japanesepod: videos in easy japanese with subtitles for instance!

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