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Postby rpgherogaz » March 31st, 2010 9:57 am

I recently came across the "Nihongo Dekimasu" and "shin nihongo de kurasou" video series.


They teach you Japanese (one of more advanced than the other) completly in japanese.

I find that Japanese explanations for japanese words makes way more sence, and helps make you learn it faster.

I recently e-mailed japanesePod101 concerning 会話・話し方 and the e-mail i got back was very helpful.

I have bought the book that was reccomended which was the なめらか日本語会話 book but it would be great to put this into more practical use. (using video!)

So, as there is alot of talk on advanced lessons, why not also fill the video lesson gap at the same time?

I know that videos are part of Japanesepod101 now, but they seem to be focused around the VERY newbie stage, which means that vetrians of JapanesePod101 have little to no use for them.

Video also has this magic about it.... its easier to keep attension and feels more real. dont you think?

Thank you for your time!


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