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About the Train System in India

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About the Train System in India

Postby shashank » July 7th, 2006 12:51 am

I think I am posting this in right place....anyway...
My name is shashank and I am a student of Kochi University, Kochi. I like learning Japanese and hence, JapanesePod101 is unavoidable!!! listning to all the podcasts on my ipod and enjoying them...great work all you people behind it!!

The reason for me to post this message was to talk about the Train system in India..after listning to the podcasts on subway trains in Japan and how crowded they are...

Believe me....its 100 times worst back in India...basically I come from Goa...but I had had chance to travel in Mumbai local in Mumbai city (as they call it)..and my goodness!! it is terrible....I did travel in Osaka and Tokyo to Yokohama...yes, they are crowded in peak times and I could see pulling and pushing....but not as in Mumbai...there it is a real "survival of the fittest". One just can't stand the rush hours...people just walk over you, if you are a novice and don't know what to do. Since the crowd was too hot to handle, the Indian Railways made seperate cars in the train ment just for women travellers. At least in Tokyo and Osaka subways, people seems to be far far civil in their behaviour compared to those in Mumbai locals....its like everyone just want to go back to their home as fast as possible....

Yes, to end my most....I am very happy to see the transformation in your is totally different from last december-jan...hmm...lots of hard work being put into it right?

I am also very happy that you guys have started JLPT lessons, I will be appearing this December for 3rd I am on 7days free trial...but definitely it will be upgraded...Since I took my 1st test yesterday..I am already feeling great..

Thanks and best of luck

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