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How do I get my hair cut in Japan?

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How do I get my hair cut in Japan?

Postby Brody » May 5th, 2006 2:39 am

I'm gonna be in Japan for a while and I'll eventually have to get my hair cut. To tell the truth this scares me a lot!
What are some common things to say when getting your hair cut?

I've spent a lot of time perfecting my hair style and am worrying terribly!


The Frankensteiner
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Postby The Frankensteiner » May 5th, 2006 4:44 pm

Check out this episode of Guzen radio.
About half way through the episode Steven goes into a lengthly description of his experience with his first haircut in Japan. Hope it helps you out! ... dio__2.mp3
Find out what it's like to live, work and play in Japan!

Expert on Something
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Wow, thanks!

Postby Brody » May 5th, 2006 6:36 pm

Thanks, for the reply, Frankensteiner. I'm so relieved!

The Frankensteiner
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Postby The Frankensteiner » May 5th, 2006 7:10 pm

You're welcome.
Did it answer any of your questions?

It doesn't seem that bad from what they describe.

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Postby patchmonkey » May 24th, 2006 8:17 am

If you don't want any problems, I recommend "A Cut Above" near Hiroo station in Tokyo. Everyone there speaks English (and studied in New York as well).

Unfortunately, you have to pay for the fact that they do a good job (as well as speak english, give a massage, and all). If you want to save money, plenty of places offer peachy-keen 1000 yen cuts - point to what you want in a magazine and they'll get it done.

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Re: How do I get my hair cut in Japan?

Postby alfa1 » May 25th, 2006 3:49 pm

Brody wrote:I'm gonna be in Japan for a while and I'll eventually have to get my hair cut.

Get a photo of yourself with freshly cut hair. Take it to Japan.
a bit of guesturing! I had the same problem when I visited Japan last year. Fortunatly I have a simple and very short cut, so with a lot of guesturing (and the barber showing me the blade attachment) we worked it out even if I dont think I knew any Nihongo suitable for the occasion.
Cost me 2000 yen, though. I thought that was a bit much.

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Postby Kiko_Soujirou » November 3rd, 2006 4:02 am

I thought I would bump this since I'm also now in the same boat. I think learning what words to use when getting a haircut in Japan would be very useful for everyone. I don't know about those 1000yen haircuts since where I am they're few and far between. The most expensive I've seen is around 7000yen. The 1000yen ones make me sort of worry. I tried looking around Japanesepod101 for anything that might help me explain to the barber what I want, but in the end found nothing. So, I would like to re-request that Japanesepod101 do a lesson about getting your hair cut. It would be a great opportunity to try out different words for cut, length and other things. Since there is no such lesson already though, I'm heading off to try and communicate with the barber what I want and hopefully I won't have to just end up shaving my head.

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Postby Drusy » November 17th, 2006 12:21 am

i'm interested in this topic too :D

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Postby manifest » November 21st, 2006 9:01 am

is it okay if I put up an animated avatar on my profile?
[size=0] Medieval Style Furniture[/size]

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