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Video Suggestion: Japanese Gestures

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Video Suggestion: Japanese Gestures

Postby racum » May 22nd, 2007 1:24 am

What about a Video Lesson with "non-verbal japanese", funny things that japanese people do when are talking? ...lots of them!! :)

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Postby padrik » May 22nd, 2007 9:59 pm

Good idea, there can be some things that throw foreigners off. The first time I had someone gesturing me to come to them, I thought it was telling me to go away, very funny situation.

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Postby Inuzuka » June 16th, 2007 2:41 am

I saw an interesting gesture in japan:

If we say "I", we would indicate this by pointing our index finger in direction of our heart or to the middle of our chest.

But if Japanese say "I", the indicate this by pointing their nose! As I saw this the first time, it was very funny and interesting. (sorry for my bad english :oops: ).

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Re: 僕

Postby TheProfessorOne » June 23rd, 2007 2:23 pm

Inuzuka wrote:I saw an interesting gesture in japan:

If we say "I", we would indicate this by pointing our index finger in direction of our heart or to the middle of our chest.

But if Japanese say "I", the indicate this by pointing their nose! As I saw this the first time, it was very funny and interesting. (sorry for my bad english :oops: ).

Indeed this is true.

The videocast are awesome and I believe all of us "non-Japanese" could benefit from a lesson in this area...even a simple one.

Keep up the good work guys. :o
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