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Advanced ? Or not to be ?

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Advanced ? Or not to be ?

Postby 10243406 » March 19th, 2007 5:55 am

Im currently going into advanced jap in college . When is this site going to have that ?

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Postby Airth » March 19th, 2007 3:15 pm

I don't think it's going to happen, and I'm not sure that it needs to. When you start shooting for advanced surely the best way to learn is with all the native Japanese material that's out there, isn't it? And anyway, one of the problems is that I don't think it's possible to put your finger on exactly what constitutes advanced material. Another issue is that as you become more proficient you tend to specialise more and more, making it difficult to produce all round lessons that would appeal to a large group of people.

I'd be interested to find out what your college specifies as advanced and what it means to you.

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Postby seanolan » March 19th, 2007 11:31 pm

I disagree. I think, with very little material out there, that this site needs to do advanced Japanese, or some group does. Think about study your native language for 12 grades at least, and up until at least high school, you are studying grammar as well as literature. Structured learning is scanty for the upper levels of language study and, while there is not a huge market for it, the market that there is for it is starved. And with the way the JLPT and JETRO tests are set up, you NEED advanced grammar knowledge to pass the upper levels.


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Postby Airth » March 20th, 2007 1:46 am

seanolan wrote:I disagree. I think, with very little material out there, that this site needs to do advanced Japanese, or some group does.

OK, I can see what you're saying, but how does a teaching method based on the spoken language introduce written grammar points in an entertaining yet comprehensive way? Also, the JLPT and JETRO tests could be viewed as part of the specialisation I mentioned. I have absolutely no interest in studying for an exam, and there must be other people out there like me who intend on working towards fluency without being involved in the testing culture.

Anyway, I can see how you could make an argument for providing the sort of material you mention. I accept that I'm in a minority of the minority, that there are probably more students of advanced Japanese working within the testing regime than without. So, I'm not saying it can't be done, simply that I'd like to hear how you would go about structuring it, bearing in mind this site seems to be focused first and foremost on the development of practical communication skills.

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In favor of advanced lessons

Postby bshock » June 15th, 2007 4:44 pm

If you live in Japan, you probably don't need advanced Japanese lessons. If you study Japanese at a university, you may not need advanced lessons quite so much. But if you're an average working stiff living in the U.S. who loves the Japanese language but doesn't have a lot of free time, you desperately need whatever help you can get.

One of the things I like about is that it offers me a regular course of study. I can listen to the lessons while I drive, work, or exercise, and I have a good chance of getting a programmed course without worrying about the day to day curriculum myself.

I've been at this study for about six years now, so advanced lessons are not so unrealistic for me. On the other hand, the intermediate lessons have often had some very useful challenges, so I'm certainly not ready to give up on those.

My primary concern now is that doesn't give up on intermediate lessons either. Over the past month or two, I have noticed fewer intermediate lessons. This is somewhat alarming.

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Postby padrik » June 15th, 2007 11:56 pm

Yeah I am back in the US now and having trouble finding a convenient place to take a night class, or practice, so some advanced material would be great!! Blogs, stories, or even lessons only in Japanese with no english is what I want to see. Explain the difficult or new things in Japanese, rather than english.



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Re: In favor of advanced lessons

Postby annie » June 16th, 2007 12:14 am

bshock wrote:If you live in Japan, you probably don't need advanced Japanese lessons. If you study Japanese at a university, you may not need advanced lessons quite so much. But if you're an average working stiff living in the U.S. who loves the Japanese language but doesn't have a lot of free time, you desperately need whatever help you can get.

I agree that people living outside of Japan need Advanced Lessons more than those of us in Japan. Even living in Japan, it's hard to really improve unless you're taking classes or have Japanese friends who will correct your grammar. Sure, living in Japan you have more opportunities to speak Japanese, but the drunk guy you meet at the bar isn't going to do much to help you actually improve.

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Postby Yamanchu » June 27th, 2007 5:48 am

I'm sure JPod101 doesn't have an unlimited budget (or time), and so I really think that they're doing a great job with the time and rescources in hand. In my case, they've certainly provided me with material that I'd been years searching for and I can only thank them for that. It could be, perhaps, that as membership grows, (and becomes more proficient in the language) there will then be a greater need for an advanced level.

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Postby padrik » July 5th, 2007 3:07 pm

Advanced lessons are much easier to do, as it doesn't require any of the english translation or explaination, just a Japanese speaker. Teaching beginners is much more time intensive.

Just a story or anything Japanese only would be great once and a while...

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