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Postby scnnrc » February 26th, 2007 12:18 pm

i'd like to learn something about using a japanese computer: something like file,directory, cut&paste, email .... in japanese! I hope this'll be the topic of one of the next lessons

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Postby mariyo » April 25th, 2007 6:34 am

Most of the computer terms in Japanese are katakana words, directly taken from the English language (loan words). Therefore, this would be some kind of katakana lesson (= lesson in the comprehension of English loan words in Japanese). This sounds good.
I do have to say that although I'm not a guru in Japanese, I do understand most of the conversion when a Japanese collegue is taking about computer terms.

Some tips:

??????????????? = pasuwaado (password)
?????????????????? = roguin suru (to log in)

See you,

Last edited by mariyo on February 26th, 2011 3:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Airth » April 26th, 2007 1:33 pm

Sure, there is plenty of Katakana, but it only gets you so far. For example, take a look at cut, copy, and paste. In Japanese; 切り取り (kiritori), コピー (kopi-), and 貼り付け (haritsuke). So, playing the Katakana game only gets you one out of three in this case.
My Japanese Character & Word Building Blog - Kanji Rikusho

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Postby mariyo » April 26th, 2007 2:11 pm

Hi Aith,

Thanks for the reply. it's indeed so that not all computer terms are katakana.
I just visited your "Japanese Character & Word Building Blog - Kanji Rikusho" and I have to say that I'm very impressed !

I've added the link to my favourites and I'm sure a lot of other readers will do so too !

For how long have you been studying Japanese ?

Best regards,


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