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Going to an hotel WITHOUT a prior reservation

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Going to an hotel WITHOUT a prior reservation

Postby Abrassart » January 16th, 2007 3:04 pm

I did all the survival lessons once, and now I'm going trough them again.

From time to time, Peter-san is talking about futur lessons like:

- Going to an hotel without a prior reservation (in the lesson about cheking in an hotel, they assume the client did an e-mail reservation).

- Requesting a stay in a private home (like Sakura-san's home :lol: ).

In both case, it's about people who travel with less preparations than most, but hey... Well, Peter-san say: "We'll cover that in an other survival lesson", but they never did.

But I think it's a veny interresting subjects (maybe both themes can be adress in the same lesson).
Very, very nice. Without further ado, let's jump right in!

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