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iPod flash cards

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iPod flash cards

Postby seanolan » December 20th, 2006 1:33 am

I am sure this is tough, but I think a great feature would be being able to instal your word bank/kanji bank on your iPod and use it as flash cards.


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iPod Kanji Pictures

Postby Beliskna » January 12th, 2007 11:40 pm

Yeah I have seen stuff like this mentioned on the web. Basically the iPod can stores pictures right, so why not have the facility to download the JPOD101 Kanji to iPod - like flash cards.

Still I only have basic membership and would like to see an implementation that would work for me. If ever at all.

Anyway, see ya later guys.

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Postby Louise74 » July 19th, 2008 5:48 am

I downloaded the app called "Learn - Flash my Brain." It is a basic flashcards app. It's basic but great for on the train AND no internet access is required if you have downloaded the cardsets you wish to use.

At the moment the cardsets available are very basic/non existent and there is only "Basic kanji Book 1" and "Hiragana" avaialble under the Asian Languages-Japanese. I would love to see a whole range of cardsets made avaiable from JapanesePod101 - JPLT 1234, etc.. What would be even better would be someway of making my own kanji bank from 101 into a new cardset, without having to take pictures or start from scratch.

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