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Bonus tracks

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New in Town
Posts: 4
Joined: October 25th, 2006 12:47 am

Bonus tracks

Postby Shirow102 » October 27th, 2006 4:00 pm

Okay, I know you guys love to get website hits, but I'd kill to get all the various bonus/informal/kanji tracks you guys post for free as automated downloads through iTunes that organize in my podcast section (I'm an organization fiend!). Seriously, unless someone knows a way, it seems I can't just drag and drop the bonus tracks into my itunes podcast directory--they merely go in my regular library only! GAH! Plus, the bonus tracks don't have the nice naming conventions that the automated podcast downloads have (in the actual file name on my HD).

Please, please, for the sake of the sanity of those catching up on a year's worth of podcasts, let's just make the bonus tracks apart of the regular subrsciption downloads.

I already come to the site to check out the cities you post about and check the forums from time to time.

BTW, I love the podcasts to death! Keep up the wonderful work! Doumo Arigatou Gozaimasu!

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Kokoro no koe: kono Tenchi no koe desu.

Oh, Lord, let me be right, for as Ye well know, right or wrong, I will never change my mind.
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