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word bank order

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word bank order

Postby seanolan » October 19th, 2006 3:16 am

It would be great if we could put our word banks in order by romaji, kanji, kana, etc. One reason I would love this is, since I add words I am unfamiliar with by lesson, I often have duplicate words in my bank. But my word bank is up to 270 words and growning daily, and it would be much easier to take out dupes if I could order it alphabetically, instead of the order I added them. Is this something that is possible to implement?



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Postby vtombilla » January 13th, 2007 9:08 pm

I totally agree! It would be great if we could sort it alphabetically or something like that, as I found some duplicates in my own Word Bank. It was OK when I had just a few words in it, but now I have almost 200...

Arigatou gozaimasu!


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Postby Katharos » January 19th, 2007 4:21 pm

I agree.

And, it should remove duplicates automatically!

And I think it is strange how when I add words from the dictionary the meanings have '/' between them, and when I add them from lessons they have ',' between them.

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Duplicates in My Kanji / My Word Banks

Postby Eran » January 27th, 2007 10:14 am


We ran a script to remove ALL duplicate Words and Kanjis from all user banks. The newly released V2.0 of the Learning Center no longer allows for duplicate entries to be added to the banks.

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Postby seanolan » March 13th, 2007 3:22 am

I'm gonna bump this request, because it is rather difficult, when, if you are like me, you have 200-300 kanji in your bank and 200-300 words in your word bank, and you want to clean up certain words you have "completed" studying, to find the words or kanji you want to delete from your bank. Is there any way to make the banks' order user-configurable? Please?


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