Just a couple of simple suggestions that could hopefully help navigating the JapanesePod web site:
- When searching one particular lesson (this happens all the time to us newbies!), it would be convenient to be able to enter just the lesson type and NUMBER in the "Browse" fields.
- Also when browsing old lessons, I would like to have the links with the page numbers appear both at the bottom AND TOP of each page, and also displaying more page numbers at a time to avoid jumping by small steps when I am too far off the target page.
- Finally, as I find the Comments RSS feed so useful, I think it should definitely be referenced among the links in red listed in the right column of the home page, not just buried in the dull grey bottom line ! Actually, I even believe that, since this one is such a unique feature (at least to me!…) it would deserve being advertised for somewhere, especially when the special section for new users will be open: this is going to be a great connection channel between them and the original community.
Hope someone out there is listening and some of those features can be implemented…