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Photos of the team

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Photos of the team

Postby KeithH » April 26th, 2006 8:57 pm

I know I'm not the only one who wants them! The group photos you posted when you had some visitors were great. But, there are new folks on the show now and we haven't seen them yet! In general, pictures are a great thing, anyway. I'd love to put faces with the great voices I hear on the show!

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Postby JockZon » April 26th, 2006 9:10 pm

I agree! It almost feels like I know you guys so of course should you provide us with faces to the amazing voices :P

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Postby Orlina » April 27th, 2006 6:39 pm

I agree ^^

Wanna see you all :D

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Postby kinoko » April 27th, 2006 9:51 pm

Stalllllllkerrrrs...... :!:

Haha, just kidding. I'm curious, too.
the early bird may get the worm, but the late-rising worm lives.

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Postby Bob1 » April 27th, 2006 11:00 pm

If you go to the blog and scroll down a considerable ways, you can find several entries with pictures of the staff. The last of these pictures was taken on March 17, so the newer members are not included. There is definitely a need for more recent pictures!

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Postby KeithH » May 5th, 2006 5:48 pm

I've been able to find two entries with pictures. But Like you said, they're old enough that they only include half the current team.

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Postby Satsujin » May 9th, 2006 5:15 pm

There are also videos of some of the team. Peter reminds me of Patrick Harlan both in his appearnance and corny humour and demenour. Patrick Harlan is a fairly popular tarento (or as I like to call them no tarento) and one of a handful of American tarento in Japan. His Japanese is really good and he does a show called "eigo shaberu naito" about how to improve your English.

Hey Peter san maybe you should get together with Pakkun sometime and promote Japanese Pod Cast 101 or better yet invite him to do a guest appearance!

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Postby Solvi » May 10th, 2006 11:12 am

Photos! Bring 'em on!

I want to be able to recognize you if I see you in Norway this summer! There are always lots of Japanese tourists here with cameras - I guess they are all over the world actually...

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