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Vocab, please !!

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Vocab, please !!

Postby jmignot » October 1st, 2006 1:05 pm


I have just reached beginner's lesson 60 and discovered that the familiar vocab section that used to appear in the iTune info text has been discontinued. This may have been discussed at the time that lesson was released but personally, I find that it is a pity. It came very handy to be able to refer to the short vocab list when studying on the iPod, and I miss this possibility now.

Furthermore, I was previously able to copy-paste the kana from there into my favorite flashcard program (yes, I know I could use the Learning Center instead!…). Now it turns out that the same cannot be done from the pdf transcript: I can actually copy the selection from Acrobat but what I get by pasting it is just gibberish. This must be due to some weird encoding problem but I have been unable to fix it by reencoding the text in a Unicode/JIS/etc.-aware editor. Can any techie out there find out what is going wrong with that?

One final remark: it seems to me that in the pdf for Beginner Lesson 61, the text in the "kana" frame is identical to that in the "Kanji" frame -- i.e. both with Kanji ! Good opportunity, maybe, to improve my Kanji abilities…

Thanks for helping and good luck to the whole team. I have not yet given up catching up with the current lesson some time in the future…
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