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kanji corner archive - adding commenting facility

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kanji corner archive - adding commenting facility

Postby mikuji » September 11th, 2006 1:01 pm

Dear Jpod101,

Would it be possible to add a comment facility to each entry of the Kanji archive?

I am thinking that students could enter their suggestions on how best to remember the kanji through stories made up of the component radicals. And in the spirit of sharing knowledge we could all access the suggestions posted in. It is a bit what Heisig in the book Remembering the Kanji I but there Hesig only provides good stories for 20% of the entries. Some radical combinations are really tough so help would be great.

Those who are studying with the Heisig method would benefit from sharing what they have come up with and they could mark their entry as Heisig compatible. But really everyone else would also benefit because they would start to get familiar with radicals and some stories are sure to stick...

I have seen various attempt over the internet to produce stories to remember kanji structure - they are not always successful, but at least we could share the suggestions and pick the ones that suit us..

I feel it would be too much to ask your team to provide such explanations when the kanji is posted but I am sure that my enthusiastic co-listeners would not mind volunteering what they have found useful. So, just by opening a comment field things will build naturally from there, same as comments on the lessons

Best wishes


And as an example I'd like to share my way to remember today's kanji (11/9/06) the kanju for the verb IKU to go. I think of it as a person and a nail together side by side, which are going away so fast from me that they leave little traces of themselves behind where their heads had been..

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Postby norgus » September 12th, 2006 4:49 pm

I don't know if you have seen this site yet, but somebody already provides what you are describing.

It even has a review system built in which will space out your reviews based on how well you know each character.

And the stories are all community created.

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Joined: June 20th, 2006 11:10 am

Postby mikuji » September 14th, 2006 2:47 pm


No, I did not know this site so thank you ever so much for pointing me to it.



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