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please get rid of those popup ads

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please get rid of those popup ads

Postby carlton » April 10th, 2009 4:42 am

For the last week or so, I've been confronted with popup ads every time I go to your web site; can you please get rid of them? I'm a paid subscriber (have been for almost two years), though I'm not always logged in when I visit your site (partly because your site requires me to re-log-in so often), and it really bugs me to have an ad stuck in my face when I want to see a page corresponding to one of your lessons. And I can't imagine that I would respond positively to those ads if I weren't already a subscriber, either, though I suppose some people might react differently.

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Postby Belton » April 10th, 2009 8:31 am

omg! not even a pop-up but a sort of floating element.
I went into Safari and turned off ad blocking to see what you meant. That's incredibly stupid of jPod. Internet users are not that foolish to be enticed rather than annoyed by those sort of pop-ups. No-one should get to see them let alone paying customers.
It's ugly too. It doesn't do anything for your image, please turn it off.

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Re: please get rid of those popup ads

Postby Ulver_684 » April 10th, 2009 10:00 pm

carlton wrote:For the last week or so, I've been confronted with popup ads every time I go to your web site; can you please get rid of them? I'm a paid subscriber (have been for almost two years), though I'm not always logged in when I visit your site (partly because your site requires me to re-log-in so often), and it really bugs me to have an ad stuck in my face when I want to see a page corresponding to one of your lessons. And I can't imagine that I would respond positively to those ads if I weren't already a subscriber, either, though I suppose some people might react differently.

Carlton-san! :wink:

I was about to post the same topic until I found yours, I definitive agree those pop ups are very annoying, JP101 knows better than us. :roll:

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Postby Javizy » April 10th, 2009 10:25 pm

I saw this thing yesterday on my iPod, since I didn't bother signing into the forum. You really don't expect to see that sort of thing on a professional website. I don't understand the aim behind that kind of advertising; you're essentially trying to frustrate people into buying your product, when they can much more easily close the page and have done with it for good. Really, DHTML is fun to experiment with and all, but there's a lot more you can do with it than annoying the hell out of people and adding an amateurish pirate site feel to your homepage.

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Postby retropunk » April 11th, 2009 8:26 am

Paid user or not. You're using a service with the free service interface. The only "popup" I saw was some overlay trying to get me to make an account. No big deal. Whenever I visit the site, I log in. If this site were to go full pay-only, you'll be logging in. To get the paid only services, you need to log-in. If you already have an account, then just log in.

JPOD, I think it's fine. You're a business. I understand.

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Postby Belton » April 11th, 2009 11:50 am

Ok there is a difference between paid user and free user and jPod is a business who would like to turn free users into paid users. But I don't think this is the way to do it. You do it by offering services that are of value to the user.

And remember free users add value to this site as well. In page hits and downloads, in word of mouth, links and blog references, in contributions to the forums.

I believe jPod use a wordpress front end (back end?) so there are better ways they can distinguish between users and what is served to each group. Pop-ups and slide-ins are seen as a type of spam by most people, it degrades the user experience and devalues the brand.

But hey I don't have to look at it, if jPod wants to shoot itself in the foot it's a pity but it's their business I guess.

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Postby Ulver_684 » April 20th, 2009 6:54 pm

JP101! :wink:


Please get rid of this ads, this is ridiculous! See everywhere in the forum green ads and Pop ups! You know better than us it's very annoying. :evil::roll:

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Postby jettyke » July 21st, 2009 1:15 pm

I agree with everyone,
It makes the website look more "cheap" if you know what I mean.

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Postby orisama » July 28th, 2009 3:39 pm

I am also a paid subscriber, and I totally agree. There are too many pop-ups. I have read on more than one forum that many were turned away from Jpod just because of the ads. I don't think they attract as many new subscribers as ones they turn off. Basically those who are already users "put up" with the ads, while many potential users are turned off. My business field is Marketing/Entrepreneurship (currently focusing on online marketing) and from that perspective I think the positioning & frequency of the ads needs work.

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Postby Belton » July 28th, 2009 3:51 pm

The parent site (so to speak) has a much more pleasing and buisnesslike look. So it's not as if they are totally blind to the design implications......

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Postby cwabbott » July 29th, 2009 1:56 am

Hello Everyone,

Thank you all for your valuable feedback and suggestions. We appreciate the active role you play in shaping the site and the community.

In regards to the forum banners, they will (should) not show up when you are logged into the forum. The same is true for the pop-in signup form that displays for visitors that are not logged in.

We get a lot of traffic to our forum, and often these visitors don't know where to sign up. Both the banners and the pop-in signup forms solve that issue.

If for any reason the the pop-in signup forms or banners are being displayed when they should not be, please let us know. Any details on the browser, operating system, and device you are using to access the site would be most helpful.

Thank you again, and please continue to share your thoughts!
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