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App Store - Application for iPhone / iPod Touch

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App Store - Application for iPhone / iPod Touch

Postby halpin » July 11th, 2008 11:05 am

Hi Team,

I would love to see a Kanji learning tool similar to the ones that appear on the DS, this would be bliss. I understand that there is a lot of development involved, but I'm willing to bet a lot of people would pay for it, including myself.

Flash cards would even be great.


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Postby Psy » July 11th, 2008 9:43 pm

Seeing as I've just finished a basic course in Cocoa development, this is starting to appear like a possibility. I haven't introduced myself to the Cocoa Touch API as yet, but from my understanding it's only a small step away from regular Cocoa, so the transition shouldn't be too difficult. As a Japanese learner myself, obviously, language learning software is certainly something I'm looking at doing, so if some other more experienced developers haven't already taken the idea and run with it, in the coming months you can at least expect to see something (however basic it may be) from me.
High time to finish what I've started. || Anki vocabulary drive: 5,000/10k. Restart coming soon. || Dig my Road to Katakana tutorial on the App store.

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Postby Belton » July 12th, 2008 8:56 am

looking forward to seeing interesting Apps for learning Japanese on the Touch platform.

I'd like (dear Santa)
a dictionary reader that can use the ALC and Edict files.
a good flashcard program
DS like kanji software.
An ebook searchable Japanese grammar. (repurpose the grammar in the Learning Center here?)
stand-alone apps that don't rely on Internet connections.

The problems I can see are a lack of cut and paste. this will hamper dictionary lookups.
The lack of a pointer to write with. For a finger to work well the screen would really need to be laptop sized if you try to input a complex kanji. (even simple ones). I think there are good reasons for why we don't use finger-painting instead of writing. And why keyboards and keypads are a particular size.
The keyboard on the Touch is ok, better than I thought in fact, but it's geared towards actually knowing the readings. a bit catch 22. Maybe the finger input of kanji will surprise me as well.

The cost of entry to the App store may deter hobbyist development. It's one thing to develop something small for free and stick it on your website another to ay Apple to host it on their store, if they want to that is. (jailbreaking seems too much trouble) I don't know but have they removed the by invitation only restriction from the iPhone SDK yet?

I also wonder if the platform isn't seen as an expensive device for adults, which would preclude Japan based development of apps for schoolchildren. I have DS kanji titles aimed at adults and frankly a lot is beyond my ability to understand, even when learning low kyu kanji.

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Postby Jason » July 13th, 2008 3:12 am

Belton wrote:The lack of a pointer to write with. For a finger to work well the screen would really need to be laptop sized if you try to input a complex kanji. (even simple ones). I think there are good reasons for why we don't use finger-painting instead of writing.

Playing a little with the Chinese handwriting input, it's not that bad.The writing area is fairly big and it tries to predict what you're writing.

Belton wrote:I don't know but have they removed the by invitation only restriction from the iPhone SDK yet?

Yes, the SDK came out of beta yesterday.

Psy, we may want to talk to you later. :wink:
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Related topic - will start a new topic as well!

Postby Louise74 » July 19th, 2008 5:37 am

I downloaded the app called "Learn - Flash my Brain." It is a basic flashcards app. It's basic but great for on the train AND no internet access is required if you have downloaded the cardsets you wish to use.

At the moment the cardsets available are very basic/non existent and there is only "Basic kanji Book 1" and "Hiragana" avaialble under the Asian Languages-Japanese. I would love to see a whole range of cardsets made avaiable from JapanesePod101 - JPLT 1234, etc.. What would be even better would be someway of making my own kanji bank from 101 into a new cardset, without having to take pictures or start from scratch.
Lou :D [/quote]

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Postby halpin » July 29th, 2008 1:45 pm

A kanji handwriting input dictionary would be bliss for the Touch. Combine this with Leopard's JP/ENG dictionary and I'd pay serious cash for it.

I'm so clueless why Apple won't include Leopard's duel dictionary with the iPhone/Touch, or at least sell it through the App store. A phone, ipod and an electronic translator in your pocket.

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Postby プチクレア » July 30th, 2008 7:46 am

A free application for browsing all of Jim Breen's Edict dictionaries is now available in the appstore, under the name wwwJDic (you might want to look under Education if you're using the mobile AppStore from your phone; I couldn't locate it using the search engine...)
It's very nice, supports EN-JAP and JAP-EN search, as well as Kanji look-up. You can also use the writing pad input (in chinese keyboard) to look up japanese kanjis and words !
さっぱり分からない !...

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Postby markystar » August 2nd, 2008 9:46 am

プチクレア様、thanks for the heads up on the edict app. it's pretty hot.

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Postby Foniks » August 5th, 2008 3:08 pm

A new app appeared in the Australian iTunes store today, called Kanji Flip. Looks pretty cool, exactly the kind of app I was hoping would appear on the iPhone. Includes 2230 Kanji based on the JLPT with readings and english meanings, a rather interesting progress tracking system. It's not free though, although close to it. Downloaded it, but haven't tried it yet - so don't take this post as an endorsement of quality. ;)

I like what i've seen of wwwJDic but find it crashes out a bit when looking up Kanji by number of strokes. I've also been using "Learn - Flash my Brain." a lot - some great card sets in there, it's an excellent idea - but never have I seen a buggier piece of software.

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Postby trostwl » August 6th, 2008 4:38 pm

Does anyone know if any of these new iPhone/ iTouch dictionary apps work without being "on-line" (wifi, etc.). I'm pretty sure iJisho requires an internet hook, and wwwjdic is probably just a link to their website. I'm looking for something that would be resident on my Touch that would work when I'm in a car or on an airplane and out of wi-fi range.

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Postby halpin » August 13th, 2008 2:02 pm

iJisho needs an internet connection and is only 0.1MB. It is just not stated clearly. iJisho in my opinion is well over priced. What I, and most want, is a dictionary in our pockets.

I notice Japanesepod101 launched their own application on the app store. Has anyone tried this?

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Postby プチクレア » August 15th, 2008 7:34 am

trostwl wrote:Does anyone know if any of these new iPhone/ iTouch dictionary apps work without being "on-line" (wifi, etc.). I'm pretty sure iJisho requires an internet hook, and wwwjdic is probably just a link to their website. I'm looking for something that would be resident on my Touch that would work when I'm in a car or on an airplane and out of wi-fi range.

You could use WeDict Pro. WeDict used to be a free dictionary program you could install on jailbroken iPhones and iPods Touch. They released a official free version in the appstore, but it only had english-chinese and english-only dictionary. The new pro version (I think it's $5.99) lets you add as many dictionaries as you want, and works offline. 2 caveats (sort of...), though :

- WeDict works with stardict format dictionaries. That means you can find a LOT of free dictionaries on the web to download, but they're not always very good (you might have to try a few before finding one that really suits your needs).
- I tried this yesterday, and while I finally made it to work, I think the dictionary upload process in WeDict is not very user-friendly (you have to download a stardict file, zip it to WeDict standard with a (free) desktop application, upload it to the net, and only then can you download it to your iPhone/iPod Touch...). But after that it works flawlessly (at least with dictionaries converted on a Mac).... and you have your offline dictionaries !

I used to use the old version on a jailbroken iPod Touch, and I was very happy with it. I'm pretty excited to have now an official version in my phone.

One last word of warning (not for japanese though...) : if you're studying or need an arabic dictionary, at this point, arabic script isn't fully supported on non-jailbroken iPhones/iPod Touch : not only is there no keyboard (so you can't search a dictionary), but also letters appear right-to-left but unconnected looks very weird.... I guess it should be corrected when the iPhone is released in arabic-speaking countries in a few months, but right now it is a bit of a problem...
さっぱり分からない !...

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Postby halpin » November 5th, 2008 3:01 pm

Since the last time I visited, there have been tons of goodies added to the App Store.

The creator behind Kanji flip also released Japanese flip, with over 4000 words (I recommend it!). There are some good quick dictionaries as well, that don't require a internet connection. Another kanji program, simply called Kanji is very nice to use and allows you to flick through the cards with your finger.

Kanjipop is good to play around with, but badly needs an update with settings.

The creator of Kanji/Japanese flip is working on more apps, specified towards verbs, nouns that will also contain the audio.

Overall, the prices of most of the above are fairly priced, much cheaper than the apps put out by the company behind JapanesePod101.


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