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Postby josiah » January 17th, 2008 5:05 am

I think we need more interaction between our hosts and us listeners.
Agreed that we do get a lot from Marky Star (a former listener)
But we don't hear much from Peter, Sachiko or any of the others aside from some comments.
Maybe it's just my fanatic greed to gleam information from whatever I read, but I would like to know more about and hear more from our hosts.

Useless information: I particularly enjoy Russian history :wink:

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Postby markystar » January 17th, 2008 10:07 am

hehehehe, they used to interact more. but basically there isn't time for them. sakura just comes in when she has some free time (which isn't often). and, of course, peter is here every day, but has his hands full with other things. yuuki posted everyday, but now he's off in niigata for the winter teaching snowboading (he'll be back). nori is posting daily, i think, but doesn't really venture into the forum. naomi and rebecca are posting on the newbie lessons. and i try to get them all to participate whenever i can (cuz i'm sure you guys are sick of me chiming in on every comment or thread. :lol:

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Postby josiah » January 17th, 2008 10:31 am

So sad... They've all become distant and aloof like politicians... :shock: :lol: ジョウダンやろう  :wink:
I was just going over the old season 1 lessons, and I came across the dating game, now this was AGGGGGEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS ago!!!
ANYHOO, the listeners were asked on how they want the conversation was to go and that was great, buuuuuuut it only happened once.....
Can we do some more stuff like this??
It would be great if they could be more hands on like the good ole' days thoughl..... 8)


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Postby markystar » January 17th, 2008 5:29 pm

way ahead of ya, mate!
i've been trying to get something like that again (but with edgier considering how far we've come).

something like that will happen again, no worries.
but for the time being, we're focusing heavy on grammar and vocab and cultural nuances. if i get my way, when the Nihongo Dojo newbie series finishes, we'll see all the levels reset and a full-front new approach will begin. (笑)

that said, i agree with what you've said about interaction.
and i've given you nothing but excuses (honest excuses).

What if we played another game of しりとり and i got the japanese staff involved?


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Postby jemstone » January 18th, 2008 1:39 am

then i'll try not to lose at it... aahahah
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Postby markystar » January 18th, 2008 1:50 am

hahahahaha :lol:

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Postby josiah » January 18th, 2008 11:30 am

markystar wrote:way ahead of ya, mate!
i've been trying to get something like that again (but with edgier considering how far we've come).

fantastic to hear marky 8) honest excuses aside, i was trying to figure out how many hosts we have/had cos i was listening to some old beginner lessons and i heard noriko, and i know i haven't heard her very much cos her voice is so cute,
i really hope that we can get some bios from our hosts, including sachiko!!
japanese aren't that camera shy, just her excuse!! :lol: (yoshi was in the iLove with nanasei :wink: )


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Postby Ulver_684 » January 22nd, 2008 4:59 am

josiah wrote:
markystar wrote:way ahead of ya, mate!
i've been trying to get something like that again (but with edgier considering how far we've come).

fantastic to hear marky 8) honest excuses aside, i was trying to figure out how many hosts we have/had cos i was listening to some old beginner lessons and i heard noriko, and i know i haven't heard her very much cos her voice is so cute,
i really hope that we can get some bios from our hosts, including sachiko!!
japanese aren't that camera shy, just her excuse!! :lol: (yoshi was in the iLove with nanasei :wink: )

Josiah/Marky-san! :wink:

I was thinking that Yoshi-san and Chigusa-san appear on the i-love video and don't mind because they came to USA and other countries and the Japanese people that have never been or travel to another country are more timid. :?

For more example are Miki-san she already have been to Australia, Italy, Thailand, etc. Daniel-san has been to California, England, etc so what do you think guys?

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Postby josiah » January 22nd, 2008 5:44 am

i disagee.
i think to say japanese are shy is a sterotype much like all american are pro-guns.
okay, so the japanese have the concept of 'we japanese'.
but on the otherhand, they also have all these gameshows and tv programs where people want to be on tv.
i think perhaps though, as in the case of mixi, that people are more private and dont want a lot of people to know who they are,
but to argue against that is the fact that japan has many celebrities and personalites, and jpod sortof fits into that catagory.
jpod isnt a private diary like mixi, its more of a community of sorts.
again, japanese who have been abroad may be 'less shy' but thats also a sterotype too :wink:


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Postby josiah » February 21st, 2008 1:23 pm

more interaction please! peter we know you're busy, but we wanna see you on the forum ! :lol:


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