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Example Sentences in Reference Material

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Example Sentences in Reference Material

Postby Ikeda_Kat2007 » December 20th, 2007 8:00 am

First I want to say, I just started a premium member jpod subscription, and I love the audio line-by-line feature and the voice recorder. I use those features every day, with every lesson and I find them invaluable for improving my speaking skills. I've already received a few compliments on my pronunciation! In addition, I am using the sentence method whereby I enter the individual sentences from the dialogues on the pdf's into an SRS for further study and practice. However, I find the grammar bank and dictionaries lacking because of the absence of example sentences, or uses of the words in proper context, that I am used to seeing in other online dictionaries. Unfortunately, this means I have to look up the word again in a different dictionary to understand the context. It would be nice if the dictionaries, grammar bank, vocab bank, etc. either contained static example sentences or linked back to the lesson that contained each instance of that word. I know this is a lot of work, but it would save me so much time searching for correct sentences. Thanks alot for all your hard work, and keep up the excellent program!!! I look forward to starting Spanishpod101 in a couple of years :D

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Postby josiah » December 24th, 2007 11:48 am

I second that idea, it would be invaluable.
Another thing which would be great, would be to link the grammar bank and word dictionary to the podcasts/PDFs.
Like your find a word in the dictionary on the site and its tagged the first lesson etc that it appeared in, this would be a fantastic reference!
Also, an idea, which I'm pretty sure that you haven'd done, would be too tag the grammer to the lessons they appear in.
This would be a fantastic addition! I know it's a lot of work, but you guys have a done a great job so far! Merry Christmas to you all!! :D
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