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Ipod flashcards

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Postby Burning_Typhoon » May 1st, 2008 4:01 am

I thought of this yesterday, but I fugured I wouldn't ask because I was sure it may have been asked many times. I didn't read all the posts, but, what's wrong with simply saving a high resolution charatcter in ms paint? I have a psp, and BMP files load up fine, don't know about an iPod, but is there some reason this cannot be done?

The PSP allows you to zoom into 200% of the image's native size. All that would need to be done is make a folder with all the bmp, jpg, ect. files.

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ipod flashcards?

Postby squirrelscuba » June 16th, 2008 4:42 am

the flashcards in each jpod101 lesson can be made into new flashcards. after i complete each flashcard, i take a partial screenshot of the kanji and various interpretations, and then file them. with OSX its simple but windows i am not surehow to but its probly simple. then i rename the files and upload them to my ipod, which can be used as flashcards using the slideshow in any photo ipod.
great study tool for the toilet!
i am finding that learning kanji and vocab is more progressive this way becoz i am leanring kanji that is relevant to the lessons i have studied..

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Ipod Flashcard App

Postby Louise74 » July 19th, 2008 5:43 am

On my itouch, I just downloaded the app called "Learn - Flash my Brain." It is a basic flashcards app. It's basic but great for on the train AND no internet access is required if you have downloaded the cardsets you wish to use.

At the moment the cardsets available are very basic/non existent and there is only "Basic kanji Book 1" and "Hiragana" avaialble under the Asian Languages-Japanese. I would love to see a whole range of cardsets made available from JapanesePod101 - JPLT 1234, etc.. What would be even better would be someway of making my own kanji bank from 101 into a new cardset, without having to take pictures or start from scratch.

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