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Lesson PDF

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Lesson PDF

Postby MikeCassidy » May 1st, 2006 2:27 pm

I think it would help [visually/reading] if there was a point or two of space between each speaker in the dialogues.

In InDesign this is done paragragh styles: Indents and Space: Space After.

Jonas Team Member
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Postby Jonas » May 2nd, 2006 4:35 am

Done! :) Thanks for the info. As I'm still pretty much an inDesign newbi. Lots of fun though :D
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Archive of lessons pdfs

Postby sophie » May 6th, 2006 7:22 pm


Once the appearance of the pdfs is 'stabilized' (they look better and better), if you upgrade all lessons pdfs, could you make monthly zip archives so that basic and premium subscribers can download them in a few clicks before reviewing older lessons, rather than visiting all the lessons pages ?

Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » May 6th, 2006 8:27 pm

Sophie-san, I believe they're already looking into creating a Download Center to let people do just that kinda thing. :)

In the meantime, Firefox users can use the plugin, Downthemall, and the main Learning Center page to download all the PDFs and/or MP3s in one go.
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Postby kinoko » May 6th, 2006 10:52 pm

I don't want to make a whole new thread for this little thing, and it's related, so...
When the dl center is up, could you make a huge monster paper-saving pdf? One with all of the lesson notes so far without unnecessary title pages, headers and page breaks? Thanks.
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Jonas Team Member
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Postby Jonas » May 9th, 2006 2:38 am

I'll look into it. Might take some time though. I'm currently in the process of converting the old PDFs to the new design.

MikeCassidy-san: I've opted for a new style in the dialogs that should increase readability a lot. Take a look at the newest PDFs (I'm using tables without a border and have it set up like this:

Column 1 | Column 2
[speaker] | [lines]
| [lines]
[Speaker] | [lines]

Should help on readability I think :)
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Postby Kitsune » May 17th, 2006 3:36 am

Just wondering if there is any time frame on the older lessons being converted to the new, printer friendly style. (It is actually much more eye friendly too!) Would love to print them out from the beginning, but plan on waiting for the new format first. Would love to help out if there is anything that I could help with...

Peter Team Member
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Postby Peter » May 18th, 2006 2:44 pm

Kitsuneさん、this is at the top of our to do list! :wink: We should be starting on this very soon.
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