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List of vocabulary per lesson

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List of vocabulary per lesson

Postby Kasurot » June 28th, 2008 5:20 pm

Something I'd like to see in the learning center that would be very helpful to me would be a breakdown of each lesson and what vocabulary were covered in that lesson. Even a simply text breakdown would be fine, such as:

Beginner Lesson #76 - muri, ryoho, keiken, gijutsu, daiji, omuretsu, muzukashii, zettai, kotsu

Just a list on one webpage or maybe a PDF that could be downloaded that has a list of words form each lesson. This way I could browse the list, see a word I don't know and listen to that lesson again.

Of course, if there's a similar method that I'm missing, please let me know. Currently, the only way I know is to open each lesson's PDF and see if I know the words in it.

Kevin Armstrong
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